Faculty of Earth Sciences & Energy

Department of Petroleum Technology


The Department of Petroleum Technology was established in 1969 to cater to the need of the oil industries for proficient manpower. The Department belongs to the School of Earth, Atmospheric Sciences, Environment& Energy of DibrugarhUniversity. Today it focuses primarily on the upstream petroleum sector with an insight to the latest technological developments.
The department was given the recognition by Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, as one of the Centres of Relevance and Excellence (TIFAC-CORE) in India, under Mission REACH (Relevance & Excellence in Achieving New Heights in Educational Institutions) in 2000. The United States – India Education Foundation of the Government of USA and the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India awarded one of the four prestigious India-led Indo-US 21st Century Knowledge Initiative project awards in the third round 2014 Grants to the Department of Petroleum Technology of Dibrugarh University with the Department of Petroleum Engineering of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, USA. This initiative will aim to strengthen collaboration and build partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education.

Infrastructure Facilities

The department have different lab facilities like Core Preparation Lab, Core Analysis Lab, Drilling Lab, Petroleum Geology Lab, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Lab for its students and research scholars along with it are the library and computer facilities.


Assistant Professor

Programmes and Curriculam


1. M.Tech. in Petroleum Technology (Petroleum Exploration & Production)

Description: The department offers  AICTE approved M.Tech. in Petroleum Technology (Petroleum Exploration & Production)  in diversified areas of the petroleum upstream sector in India. The duration of the programme is 2 year (4 semesters). The method of selection is based on Merit and Personal Interview.

Intake Capacity: 20 seats [18 (including endowment) & 2 international]

Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B.Tech. in Mechanical / Chemical / Petroleum Engineering and M.Sc. in Geology / Applied Geology / Geophysics with a minimum of 55% marks. M.Sc. students must have Mathematics in their B.Sc. level. Candidates who have qualified GATE will be preferred.

Click here to download the Syllabus


2. Ph.D. in Petroleum Technology

Eligibility Criteria: Clearance in DURAT / NET / JRF followed by Ph.D. Pre- Registration Course work.

Download Syllabus for Ph.D. Coursework


3. One Year Diploma Programme in Oil Well Drilling Technology (OWDT)

Download Requisite Qualification

Download Syllabus



Ongoing Research Projects

Principal Investigator (Parent Institute): Dr. (Mrs) SubrataBorgohainGogoi

Principal Investigator (Collaboration Institute): Dr.RamkrishnaSen (IIT-KGP)


Remediation of produced water from NE oil field by microbial and membrane intervention with modelling of an effluent unit for the recovery of usable water Ministry of Science & Technology, DBT’s Twinning programme for the NE Sanction letter no. BCIL/NER-BPMC/2014 – 437 dated April 16, 2014

3 years


Principal Investigator: Dr. (Mrs) SubrataBorgohainGogoi

Foam-assisted CO2 Flooding for the Depleted Reservoirs of Upper Assam Basin and in Candidate Reservoirs in Louisiana University Grants Commission (UGC)


3 years


Completed Research Projects

Sl. No.

Name of the Investigator

Title of the Project

Duration of the Project

Amount sanctioned

Funding Agency


Prof. Minati Das TIFAC-CORE Rs. 2.07 crores



Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)


Prof. SubrataBorgohainGogoi Identification of Competent Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Formulations for Enhanced Oil Recovery of Assam Crude Oil


10.9.13 (date of sanction);

Tenure of the project: 3 years

Rs. 18,46,560

Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India


Prof. SubrataBorgohainGogoi A Comparative Study of Natural Lignosulfonate with its Synthetic Analogues for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) 1.2.10 – 1.2.13 Rs. 11,48,933

University Grants Commission


Dr.BorkhaMech Das A Study on Micellar Flooding with special reference to Natural Porous Media of Bhogpara Oil Field 1/2/11 – 1/2/13 Rs. 95,000

University Grants Commision


Mr.DhrubaJyotiNeog Studies on various techniques of water shut off for improving oil production of the oil fields of UpperAssamBasin 1/7/12 Rs. 95,000

University Grants Commision

  • Dr. Khetradhar Gogoi, Professor
  • Mr. Ram Swarup Ladia, Reader
  • Mr. Mihir Kumar Chaudhury, Lecturer (Selection grade)
  • Dr. Minati Das, Professor (retired on 31.01.2021)
  • Dr. M.A. Chowdhury (retired on 31.08.2023)


The Department of Petroleum Technology was established in 1969 to cater to the need of the oil industries for proficient manpower. The Department belongs to the School of Earth, Atmospheric Sciences, Environment& Energy of DibrugarhUniversity. Today it focuses primarily on the upstream petroleum sector with an insight to the latest technological developments.
The department was given the recognition by Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council (TIFAC), Department of Science & Technology, Government of India, as one of the Centres of Relevance and Excellence (TIFAC-CORE) in India, under Mission REACH (Relevance & Excellence in Achieving New Heights in Educational Institutions) in 2000. The United States – India Education Foundation of the Government of USA and the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Government of India awarded one of the four prestigious India-led Indo-US 21st Century Knowledge Initiative project awards in the third round 2014 Grants to the Department of Petroleum Technology of Dibrugarh University with the Department of Petroleum Engineering of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, USA. This initiative will aim to strengthen collaboration and build partnerships between American and Indian institutions of higher education.

Infrastructure Facilities

The department have different lab facilities like Core Preparation Lab, Core Analysis Lab, Drilling Lab, Petroleum Geology Lab, Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Lab for its students and research scholars along with it are the library and computer facilities.

Faculty Members


Assistant Professor

Programmes & Curriculum

Programmes and Curriculam


1. M.Tech. in Petroleum Technology (Petroleum Exploration & Production)

Description: The department offers  AICTE approved M.Tech. in Petroleum Technology (Petroleum Exploration & Production)  in diversified areas of the petroleum upstream sector in India. The duration of the programme is 2 year (4 semesters). The method of selection is based on Merit and Personal Interview.

Intake Capacity: 20 seats [18 (including endowment) & 2 international]

Eligibility Criteria: B.E. / B.Tech. in Mechanical / Chemical / Petroleum Engineering and M.Sc. in Geology / Applied Geology / Geophysics with a minimum of 55% marks. M.Sc. students must have Mathematics in their B.Sc. level. Candidates who have qualified GATE will be preferred.

Click here to download the Syllabus


2. Ph.D. in Petroleum Technology

Eligibility Criteria: Clearance in DURAT / NET / JRF followed by Ph.D. Pre- Registration Course work.

Download Syllabus for Ph.D. Coursework


3. One Year Diploma Programme in Oil Well Drilling Technology (OWDT)

Download Requisite Qualification

Download Syllabus




Ongoing Research Projects

Principal Investigator (Parent Institute): Dr. (Mrs) SubrataBorgohainGogoi

Principal Investigator (Collaboration Institute): Dr.RamkrishnaSen (IIT-KGP)


Remediation of produced water from NE oil field by microbial and membrane intervention with modelling of an effluent unit for the recovery of usable water Ministry of Science & Technology, DBT’s Twinning programme for the NE Sanction letter no. BCIL/NER-BPMC/2014 – 437 dated April 16, 2014

3 years


Principal Investigator: Dr. (Mrs) SubrataBorgohainGogoi

Foam-assisted CO2 Flooding for the Depleted Reservoirs of Upper Assam Basin and in Candidate Reservoirs in Louisiana University Grants Commission (UGC)


3 years


Completed Research Projects

Sl. No.

Name of the Investigator

Title of the Project

Duration of the Project

Amount sanctioned

Funding Agency


Prof. Minati Das TIFAC-CORE Rs. 2.07 crores



Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC)


Prof. SubrataBorgohainGogoi Identification of Competent Alkali-Surfactant-Polymer Formulations for Enhanced Oil Recovery of Assam Crude Oil


10.9.13 (date of sanction);

Tenure of the project: 3 years

Rs. 18,46,560

Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India


Prof. SubrataBorgohainGogoi A Comparative Study of Natural Lignosulfonate with its Synthetic Analogues for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) 1.2.10 – 1.2.13 Rs. 11,48,933

University Grants Commission


Dr.BorkhaMech Das A Study on Micellar Flooding with special reference to Natural Porous Media of Bhogpara Oil Field 1/2/11 – 1/2/13 Rs. 95,000

University Grants Commision


Mr.DhrubaJyotiNeog Studies on various techniques of water shut off for improving oil production of the oil fields of UpperAssamBasin 1/7/12 Rs. 95,000

University Grants Commision

Former Faculty Members
  • Dr. Khetradhar Gogoi, Professor
  • Mr. Ram Swarup Ladia, Reader
  • Mr. Mihir Kumar Chaudhury, Lecturer (Selection grade)
  • Dr. Minati Das, Professor (retired on 31.01.2021)
  • Dr. M.A. Chowdhury (retired on 31.08.2023)

Mandatory Disclosures as required by AICTE

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Contact Info

Department of Petroleum Technology

Dibrugarh University


Telephone Directory