Multidisciplinary Education and Research University (MERU)

Quality, equity, accessibility and affordability are the four pillars of the new education policy on which a new India will emerge. The National Education Policy 2020 seeks to establish an advanced model of public universities called Multidisciplinary Education and Research University(MERU). The proposed MERUs will open up new opportunities for the youth, promote interdisciplinary research and make India a global hub of research and development. The vision of ”Study In India-Stay In India” will take the country towards becoming a global destination in education. No student should suffer due to language limitations or regional linguistic constraints. MERU will play a crucial role to fulfil this vision and also offer quality, equity and affordability.

Dibrugarh University has been recognized to promote as MERU and awarded a grant of Rs 100 crore under the Pradhan Mantri Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (PM-USHA) scheme, marking a significant step towards its development. This will facilitate integration of technology, education with skills and enable us to reap the demographic and digital dividend.