Dibrugarh University Research Scholars’ Association (DURSA) organizes Muktoswar 1.0

Dibrugarh University Research Scholars’ Association 2024-25 has organized Muktoswar 1.0 on 15th of August, 2024, at the Bishnu Rabha Ranga Mancha. It has been organized on the occasion of 78th Independence Day to provide an open platform for the students and research scholars to express their thoughts, showcase their knowledge, and engage with the university community. In conjunction with Muktoswar 1.0, an extempore speech competition, a spot campus quiz, and an open mic event have been organized. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Pallavi Deka Buzarboruah, Department of Assamese, in the presence of teachers, research scholars, and students of Dibrugarh University. Dr. Manashree Chetia, Assistant Professor, Centre for Studies in Philosophy, and Mrinal Kr. Baruah, Assistant Professor, Dr. Bhupen Hazarika Centre for Studies in Performing Arts, were the judges of the extempore speech competition. Students from various departments of the university have participated. Utpol Jyoti Bora, Department of Chemistry; Bibhuti Mohan, Department of Assamese; and Mrinmoy Bora, Department of Political Science, have secured the first, second, and third positions, respectively. The spot campus quiz was conducted by Pritom Jyoti Goutom and Uttaran Goswami. Students have performed songs, mimicry, etc. during the open mic event. The whole program was anchored by Madhurima Saikia, and at the end of the program, Sanatan Hazarika offered the vote of thanks to the Dibrugarh University administration, faculty, students, and research scholars from various departments, all the well-wishers, for their valuable suggestions, support, and cooperation throughout the event.