Centre for Social Work Studies organizes ToT on Theatre of the Oppressed

The Centre for Social Work Studies at Dibrugarh University organized a 5-day Basic Training of Trainers (ToT) on Theatre of the Oppressed from May 6 to May 10, 2024, for final semester students of the Master’s in Social Work program. This form of rights-based interactive theatre focuses on deeply connecting the audience to personal stories of struggle and resilience, providing a platform to rehearse for revolutionary change within a theatrical space.

During the training, students explored critical topics such as mental health, body shaming, child marriage, and sexual harassment of girls and women in both personal and public spaces. Theatre of the Oppressed uniquely emphasizes understanding issues from the perspective of those most affected, allowing them to collectively express ideas and explore possible solutions.

The program culminated in a performance by the students on the final day. The audience was able to relate to the stories and share ideas based on their own experiences. This interactive approach allowed spectators to replace the oppressed characters in the play, driving the narrative forward and breaking down the divide between audience and actors. Together, they collaboratively addressed the issues presented through the staged play.

The conversations that emerged were grounded, real, and deep, focusing on practical changes that could be implemented in real-life situations of oppression and violation. The event marked the beginning of a rehearsal for revolution, as participants actively engaged in seeking solutions and fostering change.