Aniruddhadeva Chair, Department of History (Dibrugarh University) celebrated the 471st Birth Anniversary of Sri Sri Aniruddhadeva

Aniruddhadeva Chair, Department of History (Dibrugarh University) celebrated the 471st Birth Anniversary of Sri Sri Aniruddhadeva on 30th April 2024. An Annual Lecture was also held on this occasion. This year the lecture was delivered by Dr. Sanjib Deka, Assistant Professor, Dept of Assamese (Tezpur University) on the topic:

সাঁ‌চিপতীয়া পুথিৰ যাত্ৰা আৰু প্ৰসাৰ: অসমত পুথি-চৰ্চাৰ গতি-প্ৰকৃতি আৰু সাহিত্যৰ স্বৰূপ (Manuscripts’ Travel: the Dynamics of Manuscript Production and Literary Culture in Assam). 

The welcome address was delivered by Prof. Jahnabi Gogoi, Chair professor, Sri Sri Aniruddhadeva Chair. The event was inaugurated by Prof. Jiten Hazarika, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Dibrugarh University. The lecture was attended by the Deans and Faculty members of different departments and centres,  research scholars and students, and also by the members of civil society.