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Dibrugarh University

Department of Petroleum Engineering

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The Department of Petroleum Engineering was started in August, 2009 as one of the principal branches in Dibrugarh University Institute of Engineering and Technology (DUIET), Dibrugarh University. The curriculum for 4 year (8 semesters) B. Tech. programme in Petroleum Engineering with 66 courses/188 credits covers core courses of basic sciences, humanities, environmental studies, mathematics and petroleum engineering based courses. The intake capacity is 60 in 1st Semester and 12 in 3rd Semester through Lateral Entry for Diploma-passed and B.Sc. candidates.

The Main Courses Offered includes:

  • Drilling Engineering
  • Production Engineering
  • Reservoir Engineering
  • Geology of Petroleum
  • Petroleum Exploration
  • Chemistry of Petroleum & Petroleum Refining
  • Petrochemicals

Major Laboratories in the Department include:

  • Drilling Fluid Laboratory
  • Production Engineering Laboratory
  • Reservoir Engineering Laboratory
  • Geology of Petroleum Laboratory
  • Chemistry of Petroleum Laboratory
  • Petroleum Product Testing Laboratory
  • Geophysical Laboratory

Our curriculum addresses the profound new economic and technological changes sweeping the international oil and gas industry, and prepares graduates to meet the imposing challenges of the global petroleum economy. The curriculum has been designed to introduce students to the petroleum industry early in the second year, but also includes studies in Engineering Physics, Engineering Chemistry, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Engineering Mechanics Laboratories and Engineering Workshop apart from Engineering Mathematics and Humanities subjects in the first year in order to enhance students' broad understanding of the different aspects of science and engineering which make up the petroleum exploration and production industry.

There are numerous opportunities for our students to participate in student organizations which include Society of Petroleum Engineers' Student Chapter (SPE-Dibrugarh University), PETROTECH Student Chapter (PETROTECH- Dibrugarh University), etc. The presence of international students from Yemen, Tanzania at the Department of Petroleum Engineering will further complement our effort in producing well-rounded petroleum graduates who are ready to face the challenges in global oil and gas industry.


Our vision is to be a department of global standingas a center of excellence in education in the area of petroleum engineering for developing professionally competent talent contributing to nation building and development of society through excellence in grooming leadership, entrepreneurial talent and research.


  • To mould undergraduate students with a world-class high quality petroleum engineering education that stresses innovation, integration, team work and high ethical standards.
  • To generate industry focused professionals with global outlook in oil and gas sector.
  • To instill integrative thought process among students that attracts professional appreciation.
  • To grow knowledge generating environment through training, workshops, seminars, research & development, etc.
  • To encourage effective interaction among faculties and students.
  • To focus on knowledge gaining and research on unconventional energy sources due to depleting conventional energy sources.
  • To inspire high standards of professional ethics, transparency and accountability at all levels.
  • To cultivate environmentally sustainable and mutual relationship with society.


  • Young and dynamic faculty.
  • Department is surrounded by various petroleum industries and is well connected by road, rail and air.
  • It is the 1st undergraduate petroleum engineering course offered by this institute in NE India though petroleum history in this region is more than 100 years old.
  • Good infrastructure facilities; Internet facility in department and institution hostels.
  • International students have shown their interest to study in our department.


  • Since number of petroleum institutes is very limited in our country, students especially from NE can avail this opportunity to study such a glamorous course.
  • Good transport communication which may help in conducting industry-academia meet, lecture series, seminars, workshops, etc.
  • Availability of the resource persons from the nearby petroleum industries may guide/help to the department in various ways.
  • Opportunity for research work, training/project for faculties & students in the nearby various petroleum industries.
  • Facility of SPE and PETROTECH student's chapter.
  • Good employment opportunities. Quite a number of students are employed in well-established oil and gas industries including OIL, Cairn India Ltd., Weatherford, Halliburton, etc.
  • Due to constrain of fund, upgradation of existing library, laboratories and set up of new laboratories is a challenge.

Awards / Recognitions Received at the National and International Level


  • Best poster award in national seminar


  • Best paper presentation in international seminar
  • Won 1st prize in International Level Poster Presentation competition held in USA (Nitin Lahkar, Rishiraj Goswami)
  • Best poster presentation in national seminar
  • Participated in ADIPEC, Abu Dhabi (Purabi Kalita)

Programme Outcome

  • Ability to apply knowledge of science and engineering.
  • Ability to investigate engineering problems related to the petroleum industry as well as to design and conduct experiments.
  • Ability to analyze and interpret data.
  • Ability to cope up with hazardous situation in the industry and to maintain health and safety.
  • An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
  • Ability to solve the process problems in petroleum industry.
  • Have an understanding of problems such as social, economical, environmental, political, sustainability, etc.
  • An ability to engage in life-long learning.

Thrust Area

The department focuses research within the following areas:

  • Unconventional gases – Due to the rapid depletion of the existing conventional gases, the department is focusing on Unconventional gases like tight gas, coal bed methane, shale gas, gas hydrates etc. It represents an extremely large natural gas resource that requires additional research and technology development to be economically produced.
  • Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) – EOR is a stage of hydrocarbon production that involves use of sophisticated techniques to recover more oil than would be possible by utilizing only primary production or waterflooding. EOR encompasses a range of techniques used to restore formation pressure and improve hydrocarbon displacement or fluid flow in the reservoir. This technique is usually reserved for more advanced, in situ processes that are capable of achieving additional oil recovery through discrete mobilization mechanisms and, in some cases, improving reservoir sweep efficiency. The department already has a well equipped EOR/IOR laboratory.
  • Drilling fluid design – Drilling fluid has been treated as the blood in human body in the oil well drilling process. Optimum properties of the drilling fluid are the most important criteria for a successful drilling operation. The department has well equipped laboratory for conducting experiments for measuring the important drilling fluid properties.

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