Assam Economic Journal

About The Journal
Editorial Board
Publication Ethics
Submission of Articles

Download Assam Economic Journal, Volume: 31 (2022-23)
The ASSAM ECONOMIC JOURNAL is a Peer-reviewed journal published annually by the Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University. The objective of the journal is to publish original high-quality research papers while providing an academic platform to scholars for deliberation and analysis of various economic issues, with a focus on North East India in particular. However, issues cutting across the regional border, and having relevance and significance on the national and international front are also welcome.
ISSN 0970-7530
© 2022-23, Dibrugarh University. All rights reserved.
The views expressed in the articles published in the Assam Economic Journal are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official views of the journal, its editors, reviewers, or the publisher. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy of the information presented in the articles.









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Chief Editor: D.K. Chakraborty


Managing Editor: P.P. Buragohain


Members of the Editorial Board:

A. Mahanta

A.R. Dutta

N.B. Baruah

R. Hazarika

D. Konwar

S. Dutta

Editorial Advisory Board:


Prof. Homeswar Goswami

Prof. B.S. Tiwana

Prof. M.K. Dutta

Prof. D.K. Mishra

Prof. Ksh Jhaljit Singh

Prof. Jean Nshimirimana


  • Editorial Policy

All submitted manuscripts are evaluated by the editorial board impartially and solely on the ground of academic merit and relevance to the scope of the journal. Regarding any information about a manuscript submitted to the journal, the editors and the editorial board maintain complete confidentiality. All editorial and publication decisions are made solely by the editorial board. Additionally, the board retains the right to decide on the journal’s editorial schedule and entirety.

  • Conflicts of interest

Without the authors’ expressed written consent, editors and editorial board members will not use the unpublished data in a submitted manuscript for their own research. Editors and editorial board members will maintain the confidentiality of any information they learn while handling the manuscript, and they will not use it for their own benefit. Editors will ask a different editorial board member to handle a manuscript if there is a conflict of interest in one that has been submitted.

  • Publication decisions

After receiving the approval of the Editorial Board, all submitted manuscripts are sent for double-blind peer review. Based on the manuscript’s relevance, the reviewers’ comments, the authors’ responses and any applicable legal provisions regarding plagiarism, copyright infringement etc., the Editorial Board decides whether to publish a manuscript that has been submitted to the journal.

  • Responsibility of Reviewers

Reviewers are to conduct an objective and bias-free evaluation of the manuscripts. Reviewers will also offer helpful comments and constructive criticism to improve the quality of the submitted work. The reviewers must not reveal or discuss the manuscripts they have been given to look over with anyone else. Unpublished material disclosed in a submitted manuscript cannot be used by reviewers for their own work without the written consent of the contributors.

  • Responsibility of Authors

Acknowledgement of sources, originality and plagiarism: Manuscripts must be entirely original, and any use of any work done by others must be properly acknowledged through citations or quotations.

Multiple or Parallel publications:A manuscript submitted to the Assam Economic Journal must not be previously published or submitted elsewhere for publication. Moreover, the contributors must not reproduce the papers published in Assam Economic Journal for publication elsewhere. The only exception to this could be parts of academic theses and dissertations.

Conflict of Interest and Disclosures:Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed at the time of submission. If the Manuscript is prepared by two or more authors, the submitting author has to declare that there is no conflict of interest among the authors. Moreover, all data and third-party material, including previously unpublished work by the authors, should be openly disclosed.

Errors in published works: In the event of discovery of any error or inaccuracy in the author’s published work, the author must notify the journal’s editor in order to correct or retract the same.

Compliance:Authors are expected to respond promptly to requests for raw data, proof of authorship, or originality from the editor and publisher. Authors should also be prepared to make the data publicly available.

Overall Standards: The Authors must refrain from using communal, casteist, racist, sexist, or other forms of discriminatory language.

The author(s) is (are) are solely responsible for the contents of their work published in the Assam Economic Journal. The views expressed therein do not, in any way, reflect the views and policies of the Editor, the Editorial Board and the Publisher of the Journal.


The sole owner of the copyrights for all manuscripts that are ultimately accepted for publication and published in the journal is Dibrugarh University. Without permission, no material of this journal, in part or full, may be reproduced in any form.


Contributors are encouraged to submit original research papers, notes, reviews, and comments to Assam Economic Journal. Before being published, every paper goes through a rigorous double-blind peer review process. The journal also adheres to high standards of ethical behaviour, which include technical and language editing, plagiarism detection, copyright infringement and editorial independence. 

  • Information to Contributors

Preparation of manuscripts:The manuscripts of the full paper and an abstract of the paper should be prepared within 6000 words and 200 words respectively using double-spacing throughout in Times New Roman font with 12 font size. The full paper should contain introduction, objectives, data base, methodology, results and discussion and conclusion. The abstract should state the objectives of the study, main findings and the conclusions briefly. The tables and figures used in the paper should be properly titled and numbered.

Referencing style:Authors should follow the Citation and Referencing style as per the latest guidelines of the American Psychological Association (based on the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, latest edition).
Submission of manuscripts: The manuscript must be submitted by any one of the contributors who shall be assumed to have taken the publication approval of the co-contributors. The submitting contributor has to take the responsibility of the paper during the process of submission and peer-review. The contributors’ affiliations and complete mailing address must be disclosed. Papers with missing correspondence data won’t be taken into consideration for publication. Complete manuscripts should be mailed to [email protected].

All Editorial correspondence should be sent to-

The Editor

Assam Economic Journal

Department of Economics

Dibrugarh University


Email: [email protected].