Assam Economic Journal

About The Journal
Editorial Board
Information to Contributors

The ASSAM ECONOMIC JOURNAL is a Peer-reviewed journal published annually in March by the Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University. The Journal intends to provide an academic platform to scholars to analyze various economic issues particularly pertaining to North East India


Editor Editorial Board

Dr. Amarjyoti Mahanta

Full Address:
The Editor,
Assam Economic Journal,
Department of Economics,
Dibrugarh University,
Dibrugarh-786004, Assam
Email: [email protected]                                     

Prof. Deb Kumar Chakraborty
Dr. Nayanmoni Borgohain  Baruah
Dr. Pranjal Protim Buragohain
Mr. Alok Ranjan Dutta
Mr. Rantu Hazarika
Ms. Daisy Konwar

Information to Contributors

Preparation of manuscripts
The manuscripts of the full paper and an abstract of the paper should be prepared within 6000 words and 200 words respectively using double-spacing throughout in Book Antiqua Font with 12 Font Size. The full paper should contain introduction, objectives, data base, methodology, results and discussion and conclusion. The abstract should state the objectives of the study, main findings and the conclusions briefly. The tables used in the paper should be properly titled and numbered.

Few examples of correct forms of references
Journal article
Suman, S & Asari, G.K. (2001) : “Reproductive Health Care of Women in Rural Areas: An Explanatory Study in Nilgiris District in Tamil Nadu” The Journal of Family Welfare, Vo.47, No.1 pp.50-55.

Article in edited book
Raj K.N (1994): “Growth and Stagnation in Industrial Development”, in D. Nayar (Ed.), Industrial Growth and Stagnation: The Debate in India, Oxford University Press, India.

Book by personal author(s)
Bhaumik, S.K. (1993): Tenacy Relations and Agratian Development: As study of West Bengal, Sage Publications, pp. 50-55.

Working paper/Report/ Ph.D Thesis
Vaidyanathan, A (1986): “India’s Agricultural Development in a Regional Perspective”, Working paper/Report/ Ph.D Thesis, Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta.

Submission of manuscripts
The manuscript must be submitted by any one of the authors who shall be assumed to have taken the publication approval of the co-authors. The submitting author has to take the responsibility of the paper during the process of submission and peer-review. Two print copies of the manuscripts along with an electronic version (either CD or email) should be submitted to The Editor, ASSAM ECONOMIC JOURNAL, Department of Economics, Dibrugarh University, Assam-786004. The electronic version of the manuscript can be sent to the email id [email protected].

Publication Ethics
The papers submitted for publication must be original and genuine research work of the contributor(s). The literature used in the study should duly be acknowledged by proper citation, but under no circumstances the work done by others be reproduced. The papers submitted for publication must not have been previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Moreover, the contributors should not reproduce the Papers published in ASSAM ECONOMIC JOURNAL for publication elsewhere. If the Manuscript is prepared by two or more authors the submitting author has to declare that there is no conflict of interest among the authors. Each submitted manuscript will be peer-reviewed and only on recommendation of the reviewer the editorial board shall approve a manuscript for publication. The author is/authors are solely responsible for the contents of the article. The views expressed therein do not, in any way, reflect the views and policies of the Editor, the Editorial Board and the Publisher of the Journal.