Dr. (Mrs.) Nayanmoni Borgohain Baruah

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics
  • Phone No. - 2147483647
  • Department of Economics
  • Designation - Assistant Professor



  1. Bachelor’s Degree : Dibrugarh University, 1985
  2. Master’s Degree : Dibrugarh University, 1989
  3. Ph.D.: Dibrugarh University, 2009


Professional Experience: 25 years in Teaching


Areas of Interest/ Specialization:

  • Population Studies and Demography


Research Papers

  1. “Religion-wise Growth of Population in Assam, 1951-1991- A Comparative Study of the Trend at District Level”, Assam Economic Journal, Volume, XIV, 2001.
  2. “Growth of Migrant Population in Assam-A Comparative Study of 1971 and 1991 Census Statistics by Place of Birth at District Level”, Assam Economic Journal, Volume, XV, 2002
  3. “Growth of Migrant Population in Assam-A Comparative Study of 1991 and 2001 Census Statistics”, Assam Economic Journal, Volume, XXII, 2009-2010



  1. Bachelor’s Degree : Dibrugarh University, 1985
  2. Master’s Degree : Dibrugarh University, 1989
  3. Ph.D.: Dibrugarh University, 2009


Professional Experience: 25 years in Teaching


Areas of Interest/ Specialization:

  • Population Studies and Demography



Research Papers

  1. “Religion-wise Growth of Population in Assam, 1951-1991- A Comparative Study of the Trend at District Level”, Assam Economic Journal, Volume, XIV, 2001.
  2. “Growth of Migrant Population in Assam-A Comparative Study of 1971 and 1991 Census Statistics by Place of Birth at District Level”, Assam Economic Journal, Volume, XV, 2002
  3. “Growth of Migrant Population in Assam-A Comparative Study of 1991 and 2001 Census Statistics”, Assam Economic Journal, Volume, XXII, 2009-2010
Courses Taken
Current Courses
Sponsored Projects