Dr. Devojit Bezbaruah

Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Geology
  • Phone No. - 9435091999
  • Department of Applied Geology
  • Designation - Assistant Professor



Mobile No:9435091999

E-mail:[email protected]

Area of interest

  • Engineering Geology, Neo-Tectonics and Sedimentary Basin Evolution

Courses/papers taught

  • Engineering Geology, Geophysical Well-Logging and Sedimentology


  1. D. Bezbaruah, P. Kotoky, J. Baruah and J. N. Sarma: Geomorphological explanation of swamps along the Brahmaputra River Channel, Assam: Jour. Geological Society of India. Vol. 62, Nov. 2003; PP 605-613.
  2. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah and J.N. Sarma:Erosion activity on Majuli- the largest river island of world. Current Science, Vol. 84, No. 7, 2003; pp 929-932.
  3. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah and J.N. Sarma :Nature of bank erosion along the Brahmaputra River channel, Assam, India. Current Science; Vol. 88, No. 4, 2005; pp 634 – 639.
  4. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah G. C. Borah and J.N. Sarma Characterization of clay minerals in the Brahmaputra River sediments, Assam, India. Current Science; Vol. 91, No. 9, 2006; pp 1247 – 1250.
  5. A. Garg, A. K. Rahut and D. Bezbaruah: Tunneling in soft rock – Subansiri Hydroelectric Project, Arunchal Pradesh, India. Jour Of Engineering Geology, Vol. XXXV, No.  1-4, pp 229 – 235.
  6. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah G. C. Borah and J.N. Sarma :Do node points play a role in flood proliferation?. Current Science, Vol. 96, No. 11, 2009.
  7. D. Bezbaruah: Flood hazards of Brahmaputra River and methods of mitigation. Proc. Regional workshop on  Integrated Water Resource Management,  march2011.



Mobile No:9435091999

E-mail:[email protected]

Area of interest

  • Engineering Geology, Neo-Tectonics and Sedimentary Basin Evolution

Courses/papers taught

  • Engineering Geology, Geophysical Well-Logging and Sedimentology



  1. D. Bezbaruah, P. Kotoky, J. Baruah and J. N. Sarma: Geomorphological explanation of swamps along the Brahmaputra River Channel, Assam: Jour. Geological Society of India. Vol. 62, Nov. 2003; PP 605-613.
  2. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah and J.N. Sarma:Erosion activity on Majuli- the largest river island of world. Current Science, Vol. 84, No. 7, 2003; pp 929-932.
  3. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah and J.N. Sarma :Nature of bank erosion along the Brahmaputra River channel, Assam, India. Current Science; Vol. 88, No. 4, 2005; pp 634 – 639.
  4. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah G. C. Borah and J.N. Sarma Characterization of clay minerals in the Brahmaputra River sediments, Assam, India. Current Science; Vol. 91, No. 9, 2006; pp 1247 – 1250.
  5. A. Garg, A. K. Rahut and D. Bezbaruah: Tunneling in soft rock – Subansiri Hydroelectric Project, Arunchal Pradesh, India. Jour Of Engineering Geology, Vol. XXXV, No.  1-4, pp 229 – 235.
  6. P. Kotoky, D.Bezbaruah, J. Baruah G. C. Borah and J.N. Sarma :Do node points play a role in flood proliferation?. Current Science, Vol. 96, No. 11, 2009.
  7. D. Bezbaruah: Flood hazards of Brahmaputra River and methods of mitigation. Proc. Regional workshop on  Integrated Water Resource Management,  march2011.
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