Dr. Diganta Bhuyan

Associate Professor, Department of Applied Geology
  • Phone No. - 9435155759
  • Department of Applied Geology
  • Designation - Associate Professor


Specialization: Stratigraphy, Palynology, Sedimentology


Mobile No:9435155759

E-mail:[email protected][email protected]



International Journal :

  1. Record of palynodebris from the Upper Disang – Lower Barail groups around Kohima District, Nagaland. S.K. Dutta, D. Bhuyan & M. Kumar. Geophytology27(1&2): 61 – 65 (1998).
  2. Heavy mineral assemblages of the Langpar Formation from the subsurface of parts of Dibrugarh and Tinsukia Districts, Upper Assam Shelf. Bhuyan, D., Borgohain, R, Dutta, S.K., Kalita, C.K. Geophytology,28 (1&2) : 1 – 10 (2000).
  3. Palynostratigraphy of the Subsurface Sediments of Upper Assam Basin, India. M. Kumar, J.P. Mandal, S.K. Dutta, D. Bhuyan, B. Das & B. Saikia. Geobios. 34, 3: 241 – 251 (2001).
  4. Petrographic study of the Therria - Lakadong Unit of Upper Assam Basin. R. Borgohain, D.J. Khound, D. Bhuyan and J. Phukan. Journal of Geological Society of India57:157-169. (Feb. 2001).

National Journal :

  1. Records of Upper Palaeocene-Lower Eocene palynofossils from the areas around Kathalani and Dikom, Dibrugarh District, Assam. D. Bhuyan, S.K. Dutta and B. Das. Bull of Life Sci., 7: 21-26 (1997).
  2. Petrographic study of the Nurpuh Sandstone Member of a part of Upper Assam Basin. R. Borgohain, D.J. Khound, D. Bhuyan & J. Phukan. Journal of Earth Science, 1: 29 – 46 (December, 1998).
  3. Petrography of the Basal Sandstone unit of Upper Assam Basin. R. Borgohain, D.J. Khound, D. Bhuyan & J. Phukan. Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 18(1): 51-71. 1999.
  4. Organic Geochemistry  and source rock potential of Gondwana rocks of Kamaeng District, Arunchal Pradesh. D. BhuyanW.S Rashidi and B. Baruah; Sibcolteju3: 122-140  (2007)
Article Published
  1. Sports culture in India, SIBCOLTEJU, Sibsagar College, 2009.


Specialization: Stratigraphy, Palynology, Sedimentology


Mobile No:9435155759

E-mail:[email protected][email protected]





International Journal :

  1. Record of palynodebris from the Upper Disang – Lower Barail groups around Kohima District, Nagaland. S.K. Dutta, D. Bhuyan & M. Kumar. Geophytology27(1&2): 61 – 65 (1998).
  2. Heavy mineral assemblages of the Langpar Formation from the subsurface of parts of Dibrugarh and Tinsukia Districts, Upper Assam Shelf. Bhuyan, D., Borgohain, R, Dutta, S.K., Kalita, C.K. Geophytology,28 (1&2) : 1 – 10 (2000).
  3. Palynostratigraphy of the Subsurface Sediments of Upper Assam Basin, India. M. Kumar, J.P. Mandal, S.K. Dutta, D. Bhuyan, B. Das & B. Saikia. Geobios. 34, 3: 241 – 251 (2001).
  4. Petrographic study of the Therria - Lakadong Unit of Upper Assam Basin. R. Borgohain, D.J. Khound, D. Bhuyan and J. Phukan. Journal of Geological Society of India57:157-169. (Feb. 2001).

National Journal :

  1. Records of Upper Palaeocene-Lower Eocene palynofossils from the areas around Kathalani and Dikom, Dibrugarh District, Assam. D. Bhuyan, S.K. Dutta and B. Das. Bull of Life Sci., 7: 21-26 (1997).
  2. Petrographic study of the Nurpuh Sandstone Member of a part of Upper Assam Basin. R. Borgohain, D.J. Khound, D. Bhuyan & J. Phukan. Journal of Earth Science, 1: 29 – 46 (December, 1998).
  3. Petrography of the Basal Sandstone unit of Upper Assam Basin. R. Borgohain, D.J. Khound, D. Bhuyan & J. Phukan. Journal of Indian Association of Sedimentologists, 18(1): 51-71. 1999.
  4. Organic Geochemistry  and source rock potential of Gondwana rocks of Kamaeng District, Arunchal Pradesh. D. BhuyanW.S Rashidi and B. Baruah; Sibcolteju3: 122-140  (2007)
Article Published
  1. Sports culture in India, SIBCOLTEJU, Sibsagar College, 2009.
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