Dr. Manashree Chetia

Assistant Professor, Centre for Studies in Philosophy
  • Phone No. - 9706726063
  • Centre for Studies in Philosophy
  • Designation - Assistant Professor


Academic Qualifications:

  • M A, SET, NET, JRF, PhD, P.G. Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Work Experience (Teaching):

  • Working as Asst. Professor of Philosophy at the centre for Studies in Philosophy, Dibrugarh University since November 2013 till date.
  •  Four years experience of teaching Logic & Philosophy in Gyan Vigyan Academy Junior College, Dibrugarh.

Work Experience (Others):

  • Worked as News Reader cum Translator in All India Radio, Dibrugarh Centre from January 2010 to September till date.

Papers Presented in Seminars/Conferences:

  1. Presented a research paper entitled "Understanding Jiddu Krishnamurti’s concept of Relationship" in the Two Day National Seminar on Indian Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives organized by the Centre for Studies in Philosophy, Dibrugarh University on 21st and 22nd Novmber, 2019.
  2. Presented a research paper on the topic entitled “The Concept of Equality in Gandhi’s Philosophy” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar o Gandhian Philosophy in the Context of Globalization held at Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Assam on 19th August, 2017.
  3. Participated and presented a paper on UGC sponsored national seminar organized by Deptt. Of Philosophy, Dhemaji College in collaboration with Vivekananda Kendra Dhemaji on the topic entitled Understanding Vedanta with reference to Swami Vivekananda from 21st to 22nd October, 2016.
  4. Participated as repporteur in the ICSSR and ICPR sponsored National Seminar on Folk Culture of the Indigenous Communities of North East India organised by Institute of Tai Studies and Research, Moranhat, Sivasagar from 27th and 28th of December 2015.
  5. Presented a research paper on the topic entitled “Social Philosophy Ingrained in Sankaredeva’s Vaisnavism” in the 47th session of All India Oriental Conference held at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam during 2nd to 4th January 2015.
  6. A research paper entitled “Secularism in Swami Vivekananda’s Religious Philosophy” presented in The UGC sponsored National Seminar on the topic “The Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda and its Relevance in present Society” held at North Lakhimpur College during 9th and 10th May, 2013.
  7. Presented a research paper on the topic entitle Problems of Religious Language with special reference to Language Game Theory: An Analytic Approach in the UGC sponsored National Seminar held at Cotton College, Guwahati on 6th April,2013.
  8. A research paper titled Philosophy of Sankaradeva has been presented at the UGC sponsored National Seminar held at Murkong Selek College, Jonai in 7th and 8th August 2012.

Refresher Course:

  1. Participated in theInterdisciplinary Refresher Course (IDRC) on Academic Writing and Research organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur         University, Assam from 16th May to 30th May, 2022 and attained A Grade.

Workshops attended:

  1. Paricipated in the online Workshop on "National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission" organized by Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Govt. Of India on 17 February, 2022.  
  2. Participated in the Two Days Workshop on "Massive Open Online Course" organized by Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Dibrugarh University on 28th & 29th January, 2021.
  3. Participated inthe Workshop on "Draft New Education Policy 2019" organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Dibrugarh University on 26th October, 2019               
  4. Participated in the seven days “Workshop on Translation” organised by Sahitya Academi and The Department of English, Dibrugarh University from 28th September to 4th October, 2016 and translated six poems from English collection ‘Another Country’ to Assamese.
  5. Participated in the ten days workshop on “Research Methodology and Training Programme in Social Science Research” organised by Institute of Tai Studies and Research, Moranhat, Sivasagar from 7th to 16th of  December 2015.
  6. Participated in the National Course on “Human Values and Ethics” conducted under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, at Indian Institute of Technology,  Guwahati from 21st to 23rd January 2015.

Resource Person:

  1. Delivered a Talk on "Philosophy: What & What For" at Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh, Assam on 15th September, 2018.
  2. Delivered a Talk on "Role of Rural Women in Independent India" on the occassion of the celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav by Field Outreach Bureau, Dibrugarh Branch under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. Of India on  26th August, 2021 in Jokai Konwar Gaon, Dibrugarh, Assam

      3. Participated as a Resource Person and delivered a talk on "Critical Thinking and Education" in the Workshop for Higher Secondary Teachers            organized by D.H.S.K. College on 28th May 2017.

      4. Delivered a talk as invited speaker on "Humanism of Rabindranath Tagore" on the occasion of the celebration of Hundredth Birth                            Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore.

Preparation of ICT related Study Material 

       Prepared Audio Visual Study Material for MA course in Philosophy on "Philosophy of Dayakrishna"  under Educational and Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC), Dibrugarh University.

Link to the video materials: 

Video 1-


 Video 2-


 Video 3-


Administrative Duty:

     Warden, Nalinibala Devi Chatri Nivas, Dibrugarh University since February 2020 till date.


Research Article:

  1. Published a research paper entitled "Philosophy of Sankaradeva’s Neo-Vaisnavism" Anandam, (Volume: V, No. 1) An Annual Journal of Anandoram Borooah Academy Degree College, Pathsala, Assam in November, 2019.
  2. Published a research paper entitled “The Concept of God, World and Man in Sankaradeva’s Religious Philosophy” in ‘Dristibhangi’ (Volume: VIII, September 2014), Annual National Research Journal of Philosophy & Humanities (ISSN: 2278 5892) published by the Department of Philosophy, Marigaon College, Marigaon, Assam.
  3. A research paper on the topic “The Philosophy of Love and Freedom of the Bauls” being published in ‘Beekshan’, ( Vol. VIII, December- 2013), the Philosophical Journal of J.B. College, Jorhat (ISSN: 2250-0898).
  4. Published a research paper on the the topic entitled "Secularism in Swami Vivekananda’s Religious Philosophy" on the online Journal Social Science Researcher (ISSN: 2319-8362).

Book Chapter: 

  1. Published a book chapter entitled "Humanism in Sankaradeva’s Neo-Vaisnavism: A Philosophical Enquiry" in the book Literature, Culture and Society:Multidisciplinary Perspectives  (ISBN-978-81-950935-5-7) Publisher-Dr. Abul Foyes Md Malik and Dr. Dipak Kumar Doley in August 2021.
  2. Published a book chapter entitled ''Dr. Anjana Chalihar Greek Darsanar Itihās (Pratham āru Dwitiya Khanda) Granthar Ek samu Avalukan'' in the book Agragāminĩ Anjana (Vol-II) (ISBN-) Published by Bani Mandir in 2022.

Full Seminar Proceeding:

  1. A research paper entitled "Understanding Vedanta with reference to Swami Vivekananda" is published in the Full Seminar Proceeding Collection     entitled Swami Vivekananda’s Philosophy: Relevance in the Contemporary Society (ISBN-978-81-202-8805-8) published by Dhemaji Girls’ College, Dhemaji Assam in November, 2016

Work of Translation:

  1. Translated a chapter into Assamese entitled "Tilakar Gitār Byākhyā" from the original English chapter entitled "Tilak’s Interpretation of Gita" included in the Graduate Self Learning Material (GPH-S6 02 (M)) Published by Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University in January, 2020.


Courses Taken

MA in Philosophy

      PHI 10100 Indian Epistemology (CC)

      PHI 10501 Critical Thinking (AEC)

      PHI 20401 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion (DSE)

      PHI 20501 Social and Political Philosophy (DSE)

      PHI 30402 Issues in Philosophy of Religion (DSE)

      PHI 30300 Applied Ethics (CC)

      PHI 30502 Applied Ethics (GE)

      PHI 40402 Comparative Study of Religion (DSE)

      PHI 40300 Postmodern Philosophy (CC)

PhD Coursework of Dibrugarh University

     Research and Publication Ethics

     RPE 01 Philosophy and Ethics

Counseling Classes of MA in Education (Under the Directorate of Open and Distance Learning, Dibrugarh University)

      10100 Ancient and Indian Philosophy of Education

      20100 Contemporary and Western Philosophy of Education



Academic Qualifications:

  • M A, SET, NET, JRF, PhD, P.G. Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication.

Work Experience (Teaching):

  • Working as Asst. Professor of Philosophy at the centre for Studies in Philosophy, Dibrugarh University since November 2013 till date.
  •  Four years experience of teaching Logic & Philosophy in Gyan Vigyan Academy Junior College, Dibrugarh.

Work Experience (Others):

  • Worked as News Reader cum Translator in All India Radio, Dibrugarh Centre from January 2010 to September till date.

Papers Presented in Seminars/Conferences:

  1. Presented a research paper entitled "Understanding Jiddu Krishnamurti’s concept of Relationship" in the Two Day National Seminar on Indian Philosophy: Contemporary Perspectives organized by the Centre for Studies in Philosophy, Dibrugarh University on 21st and 22nd Novmber, 2019.
  2. Presented a research paper on the topic entitled “The Concept of Equality in Gandhi’s Philosophy” in the UGC sponsored National Seminar o Gandhian Philosophy in the Context of Globalization held at Gargaon College, Simaluguri, Assam on 19th August, 2017.
  3. Participated and presented a paper on UGC sponsored national seminar organized by Deptt. Of Philosophy, Dhemaji College in collaboration with Vivekananda Kendra Dhemaji on the topic entitled Understanding Vedanta with reference to Swami Vivekananda from 21st to 22nd October, 2016.
  4. Participated as repporteur in the ICSSR and ICPR sponsored National Seminar on Folk Culture of the Indigenous Communities of North East India organised by Institute of Tai Studies and Research, Moranhat, Sivasagar from 27th and 28th of December 2015.
  5. Presented a research paper on the topic entitled “Social Philosophy Ingrained in Sankaredeva’s Vaisnavism” in the 47th session of All India Oriental Conference held at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam during 2nd to 4th January 2015.
  6. A research paper entitled “Secularism in Swami Vivekananda’s Religious Philosophy” presented in The UGC sponsored National Seminar on the topic “The Philosophy of Swami Vivekananda and its Relevance in present Society” held at North Lakhimpur College during 9th and 10th May, 2013.
  7. Presented a research paper on the topic entitle Problems of Religious Language with special reference to Language Game Theory: An Analytic Approach in the UGC sponsored National Seminar held at Cotton College, Guwahati on 6th April,2013.
  8. A research paper titled Philosophy of Sankaradeva has been presented at the UGC sponsored National Seminar held at Murkong Selek College, Jonai in 7th and 8th August 2012.

Refresher Course:

  1. Participated in theInterdisciplinary Refresher Course (IDRC) on Academic Writing and Research organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur         University, Assam from 16th May to 30th May, 2022 and attained A Grade.

Workshops attended:

  1. Paricipated in the online Workshop on "National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission" organized by Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks, Govt. Of India on 17 February, 2022.  
  2. Participated in the Two Days Workshop on "Massive Open Online Course" organized by Educational Multimedia Research Centre, Dibrugarh University on 28th & 29th January, 2021.
  3. Participated inthe Workshop on "Draft New Education Policy 2019" organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Dibrugarh University on 26th October, 2019               
  4. Participated in the seven days “Workshop on Translation” organised by Sahitya Academi and The Department of English, Dibrugarh University from 28th September to 4th October, 2016 and translated six poems from English collection ‘Another Country’ to Assamese.
  5. Participated in the ten days workshop on “Research Methodology and Training Programme in Social Science Research” organised by Institute of Tai Studies and Research, Moranhat, Sivasagar from 7th to 16th of  December 2015.
  6. Participated in the National Course on “Human Values and Ethics” conducted under the Technical Education Quality Improvement Programme sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, at Indian Institute of Technology,  Guwahati from 21st to 23rd January 2015.

Resource Person:

  1. Delivered a Talk on "Philosophy: What & What For" at Manohari Devi Kanoi Girls’ College, Dibrugarh, Assam on 15th September, 2018.
  2. Delivered a Talk on "Role of Rural Women in Independent India" on the occassion of the celebration of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav by Field Outreach Bureau, Dibrugarh Branch under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Govt. Of India on  26th August, 2021 in Jokai Konwar Gaon, Dibrugarh, Assam

      3. Participated as a Resource Person and delivered a talk on "Critical Thinking and Education" in the Workshop for Higher Secondary Teachers            organized by D.H.S.K. College on 28th May 2017.

      4. Delivered a talk as invited speaker on "Humanism of Rabindranath Tagore" on the occasion of the celebration of Hundredth Birth                            Anniversary of Rabindranath Tagore.

Preparation of ICT related Study Material 

       Prepared Audio Visual Study Material for MA course in Philosophy on "Philosophy of Dayakrishna"  under Educational and Multimedia Research Centre (EMRC), Dibrugarh University.

Link to the video materials: 

Video 1-


 Video 2-


 Video 3-


Administrative Duty:

     Warden, Nalinibala Devi Chatri Nivas, Dibrugarh University since February 2020 till date.




Research Article:

  1. Published a research paper entitled "Philosophy of Sankaradeva’s Neo-Vaisnavism" Anandam, (Volume: V, No. 1) An Annual Journal of Anandoram Borooah Academy Degree College, Pathsala, Assam in November, 2019.
  2. Published a research paper entitled “The Concept of God, World and Man in Sankaradeva’s Religious Philosophy” in ‘Dristibhangi’ (Volume: VIII, September 2014), Annual National Research Journal of Philosophy & Humanities (ISSN: 2278 5892) published by the Department of Philosophy, Marigaon College, Marigaon, Assam.
  3. A research paper on the topic “The Philosophy of Love and Freedom of the Bauls” being published in ‘Beekshan’, ( Vol. VIII, December- 2013), the Philosophical Journal of J.B. College, Jorhat (ISSN: 2250-0898).
  4. Published a research paper on the the topic entitled "Secularism in Swami Vivekananda’s Religious Philosophy" on the online Journal Social Science Researcher (ISSN: 2319-8362).

Book Chapter: 

  1. Published a book chapter entitled "Humanism in Sankaradeva’s Neo-Vaisnavism: A Philosophical Enquiry" in the book Literature, Culture and Society:Multidisciplinary Perspectives  (ISBN-978-81-950935-5-7) Publisher-Dr. Abul Foyes Md Malik and Dr. Dipak Kumar Doley in August 2021.
  2. Published a book chapter entitled ''Dr. Anjana Chalihar Greek Darsanar Itihās (Pratham āru Dwitiya Khanda) Granthar Ek samu Avalukan'' in the book Agragāminĩ Anjana (Vol-II) (ISBN-) Published by Bani Mandir in 2022.

Full Seminar Proceeding:

  1. A research paper entitled "Understanding Vedanta with reference to Swami Vivekananda" is published in the Full Seminar Proceeding Collection     entitled Swami Vivekananda’s Philosophy: Relevance in the Contemporary Society (ISBN-978-81-202-8805-8) published by Dhemaji Girls’ College, Dhemaji Assam in November, 2016

Work of Translation:

  1. Translated a chapter into Assamese entitled "Tilakar Gitār Byākhyā" from the original English chapter entitled "Tilak’s Interpretation of Gita" included in the Graduate Self Learning Material (GPH-S6 02 (M)) Published by Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University in January, 2020.


Courses Taken
Current Courses
Sponsored Projects