Dr. Utpala Borgohain

Assistant Professor, Centre for Computer Science and Applications
  • Phone No. - 9435132815
  • Centre for Computer Science and Applications
  • Designation - Assistant Professor



  1. Bachelor’s Degree : BSc [Physics Honrs. ], Gauhati University.
  2. Master’s Degree : Master of Computer Application [MCA ], Tezpur University
  3. MPhil: Vinayaka Missions University, Saleem, Tamilnadu.
  4. Ph.D(Computer Science): Dibrugarh University.


  • 2001[January] - 2003[February] : Software Developer [on Project] at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (Assam Oil Division).
  • 2003[February] - 2005[Dec] : Scientist/Engineer at Computer Centre, Dibrugarh University.
  • 2006[January] - 2011[ February] : Lecturer at Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • 2011[February] - Present : Assistant Professor, Centre for Computer Science and Applications, Dibrugarh University.
  • 2013[September] - 2015[October] : Centre i/c, Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University.


  • Area of Interest: Relational Database Management System. Data Communication.
  • Specialization:  Communication Network, Cooperative Game Theory.


   Designed & Developed

  • Ration store Management system[Oracle & D2K] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Cooperative Depertmental  Store Management system[ MS Access & VB] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Quarter Management system [Oracle & D2K] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Guest house Management system [Oracle & D2K] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Hospital Management System for Private hospitals [ MS Access & VB].


UGC-Sponsored Orientation programme, OP,97, Organized by Academic Staff College, Gauhati University,( 16 December, 2013-12 January,2014).


  1. On "Electronics & Computer Science" (04.07.2017 to 24.07.2017),UGC-HRDC, University of BURDWAN.
  2. On "Information & Communication Technology (MD)" (09.08.2021 to 21.08.2021), UGC-HRDC, University of Lucknow.


  • One Week FDP on "Cloud Computing", ICT Academy.(30-04-2020  -  05-05-2020).
  • One week FDP on “Gender Concerns in Education”, Centre for Women's Studies, Dibrugarh University, (26-05-22020 to 01-06-2020.).
  • One week FDP on “Emerging Trends of Pedagogy in Higher Education” Dept. of Education, Dibrugarh University and  Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University.,15-03-2021 to 20-03-2021


  1. Participated in a 7 days workshop on "Game Theory and Mechanism Design " organised by IISC, Bangalore. January(11-15), 2016.
  2. Participated in  a 3 days workshop on “LaTeX", organized by the Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University, January(4-6), 2016.
  3. Participated in  3 days workshop on “Teaching Methodologies" by Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University held on March,2016
  4. Participated a workshop on “Patent Search“ organised by D.U. 23rd November,2015.
  5. A 7 says Workshop on "Self developmenet of Learning Material", organized by DODL, D.U.(2015).
  6. A 15 days workshop on " Advanced workshop on Microprocessor Application and Embedded System Design", Dept of Instrumentation and USIC, Gauhati University.(2011).
  7. NORTH-EAST ISI-DU Spring Scool on Algorithms for wireless networks held at D.U( February 8-10,2012).
  8. Participated in te Zonal rounds of RoboTryst-2012, a national level robotics championship at D.U, Organised by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in association with E-CELL, IIT, Khragpur.(February, 15-16,2011).


  • Delivered a talk on “ Object Oriented Programming “  in an one day workshop on “Outcome based learning for Introduction to Computing” organized by IIT, Guwahati, in collaboration with  Google held on February, 2016

  • Delivered two lectures in a three days National workshop on  "Basics of Software Development "organized by Department of Statistics,Dibrugarh University under UGC SAP (DRS - II). March(29-31),2016.

  • Delivered a lecture in a three days National workshop on  "Network Security"organized by CCSA,Dibrugarh University 2016.
  • Delivered a talk on "Computer technology" organized by Kasturaba Gandhi Sewastram, Sibsagar.
  • Delevered a talk on " Cyber Crime and Gender Concern " organized by IOCL(AOD),Digboi, 8th March, 2020.
  • Delivered a talk on " 5G and Cognitive Radio", On National Technology Day, organized by MDKG College, Dibrugarh. 11May, 2023.
  • Broadcast a talk on " Satellite Communications", on National Science Day, All India Radio, Dibrugarh, 2014.
  • Broadcast a talk on " Importance of Technology in Education", on National Technolgy Day, All India Radio, Dibrugarh, 10.05.2023


1. Dibrugarh University :

      Membership of

  • Board of Studies(BoS) of centre for computer Science and Applications (Present ).
  • Board of Management(BoM) of centre for computer Science and Applications Present ).
  • Cordinator of Training and Placement cell of CCSA,DU.(2016)
  • Selection committee for selection of teacher of DU Model School.
  • 24th State level National Children Science Congress.
  • Presiding officer at DUPGSU Election.
  • Officer i/c of BCA old course Examination.(2014)
  • Zonal Officer of PGDCA programme.(2014)
  • Selection commIttee to select instructor on contract/regular basis of DUEIT,D.U.(2015)
  • Selection commIttee to select office assistant on contract/regular basis of DU.(2015)
  • Technical committee to examine all aspects of proposals(2014)
  • Dibrugarh University's Website designing and monitoring committee.(2013)
  • Dibrugarh University's IT Policy formation committee.(2014)
  • Committee for preparation of project proposal for Networking of D.U and it’s affiliating colleges for the promotion of E-Learning Governance.(2015)
  • Cordinator of Placement cell of CCSA,D.U
  • Common purchase committee.(2014-2017)
  • Committee to examine Self Appraisal reports of the Faculty members of School of Scince and Enginnerring, Dibrugarh University. [Convenor]
  • Selection committee  to select Asst. Prof. (on Contract).(2014)

2. Kaziranga University :

  • As Expert in integrated M.Sc. [IT] syllabus review committe.

3. Govt of Assam

  • Officer in Charge of Digital Security Cell in the Election.
  • Material Ditribution Officer in the election.
  • External Evaluator in GONOTSAV, 2021,2022,2023.


           In software design & Development.


  • Computer Society of India.
  • Assam Acedemy of Mathemetics.



  • Mr. Jibanta Borgohain, Senior Admin Manager, IOCL [AOD]. He delivered on “Time management for Students”, 2006 [July].
  • Dr. Deben Kr. Buragohain, DGM [HR], BCPL,Dibrugarh to deliver a talk on “Prospects of IT Students in Public Sectors “, 2010 [November].
  • Mr. Tridiv Hazarika, DGM[HR],OIL. He delivered a talk on " How to prepare for interview ",2013 [May].


Initiated to organize  Guest lecture Series under Industry - Academia program to strengthen the industry -academia relationship

  • Invited Dr. Hrishikesh Dewan, Siemens. He delivered on “Network Security & Cryptography”,2015 [October].
  • Invited Mr. Mukul Madhab Baishya, IBM India Ltd. He delivered on “ERP & SAP Application, HANA”,2015 [October].
  • Invited Mr. Jayanta Bora and Mr. Achuyt Krishna Hazarika, Zaloni Technologies India pvt Ltd. They delivered a talk on "Big data analysis",2016[March].
  • Invited  Mr. Philip Taskar & Mr. Lalit Yagnik, IBM, Australia, to deliver a talk on "Current trends in Computer Sc , world wide",2016 [May].
  • Invited Mr. Akash Pratim Barua, IOCL[AOD] to deliver a talk on "Network security",2016 [September].
  • Invited Professor Malay Dutta, IIIT, Guwahati to delivery a talk on "Algorithm and programming",2016[November].


  • One week computer awareness program for the Employees of SBI, D.U Branch. (2004)
  • One week computer awareness program for the Employees of Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh. (2005)
  • One week computer awareness program for the Employees of Dibrugarh University.(2005)
  • Organized a one month Computer Awareness winter camp for students of class VIII–X of nearby 5 Schools including Govt girls HS School, Rameswar High School, Borpathar Boys High School, Borpothar Girls School, Dibruharh Univ Model School. (2009 , December)
  • 3 months Computer Literacy Program for School and College students under the banner of “Associate Village Program”. (2014)
  • One day demonstration on Basics of Computer, Internet & it’s connecting devices to the students of Rameswar High School, Barbarua, (2015,April).
  • Computer training program for the employees of D.U., (2016).
  • Certificate Programme in Computer Skills, (2023)



International Journal

  • Borgohain, U., Borkotokey, S., & Deka, S. (2022). A Coalition Formation Game for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network under the Constraint of Overhead. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 13(3). https://doi.org/10.17762/ijcnis.v13i3.5077 (Original work published December 25, 2021)

International Conference

  • Utpala Borgohain, Surajit Borkotokey, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based Throughput Improvement for Interweaved Cognitive Radio Network”  International Workshop on Game Theory and Networks, jointly organized  by the Department of Mathemetics, Dibrugarh University and Queen’s Management School, Belfast, U.K.  13-15 September, 2018.
  • Utpala Borgohain, “Coalitional Game Theory based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Throughput Maximization in CRNs” International Conference on Game Theory and Networks jointly organized by the Department of Mathemetics, Dibrugarh University and Queen’s Management School, Belfast,U.K. 6-7 September, 2019,
  • Utpala Borgohain, Surajit Borkotokey, “ A Constrained based Coalition Formation Game Model for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based in CRNs” International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences , Department of Mathemetics, Dibrugarh University, 28-30 June, 2020.

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Edited “Fundaments of Computers”, Self Learning Material for PGDCA Programme, Publisher : DDE, Dibrugarh University
  • Contributed Chapters in “Data Communication and Computer Network”, Self Learning Material for BCA 5th Semester, Publisher : DDE, Dibrugarh University
  • Edited " Basic Information Technology", Self Learning Material, Publisher : DDE, Dibrugarh University


Courses Taken


  •   Design the curriculum of MCA,BCA & PGDCA programmes of D.U
  •   Review the curriculum of M.Sc[IT] programme of Kaziranga University.
  •   Curriculum design of Four Year Integrated Under Gradute ( FYIUG) course under NEP.



  • Data Communications and Computer Networks.
  • Computer Networks.
  • Information Security.
  • Software Engineering.


  • Fundamental of Computers.
  • Data Communications and Computer Networks.
  • Software Engineering.


  • Data Communications and Computer Networks.
  • Multimedia








  1. Bachelor’s Degree : BSc [Physics Honrs. ], Gauhati University.
  2. Master’s Degree : Master of Computer Application [MCA ], Tezpur University
  3. MPhil: Vinayaka Missions University, Saleem, Tamilnadu.
  4. Ph.D(Computer Science): Dibrugarh University.


  • 2001[January] - 2003[February] : Software Developer [on Project] at Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (Assam Oil Division).
  • 2003[February] - 2005[Dec] : Scientist/Engineer at Computer Centre, Dibrugarh University.
  • 2006[January] - 2011[ February] : Lecturer at Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University.
  • 2011[February] - Present : Assistant Professor, Centre for Computer Science and Applications, Dibrugarh University.
  • 2013[September] - 2015[October] : Centre i/c, Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University.


  • Area of Interest: Relational Database Management System. Data Communication.
  • Specialization:  Communication Network, Cooperative Game Theory.


   Designed & Developed

  • Ration store Management system[Oracle & D2K] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Cooperative Depertmental  Store Management system[ MS Access & VB] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Quarter Management system [Oracle & D2K] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Guest house Management system [Oracle & D2K] : IOCL[AOD]
  • Hospital Management System for Private hospitals [ MS Access & VB].


UGC-Sponsored Orientation programme, OP,97, Organized by Academic Staff College, Gauhati University,( 16 December, 2013-12 January,2014).


  1. On "Electronics & Computer Science" (04.07.2017 to 24.07.2017),UGC-HRDC, University of BURDWAN.
  2. On "Information & Communication Technology (MD)" (09.08.2021 to 21.08.2021), UGC-HRDC, University of Lucknow.


  • One Week FDP on "Cloud Computing", ICT Academy.(30-04-2020  -  05-05-2020).
  • One week FDP on “Gender Concerns in Education”, Centre for Women's Studies, Dibrugarh University, (26-05-22020 to 01-06-2020.).
  • One week FDP on “Emerging Trends of Pedagogy in Higher Education” Dept. of Education, Dibrugarh University and  Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University.,15-03-2021 to 20-03-2021


  1. Participated in a 7 days workshop on "Game Theory and Mechanism Design " organised by IISC, Bangalore. January(11-15), 2016.
  2. Participated in  a 3 days workshop on “LaTeX", organized by the Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University, January(4-6), 2016.
  3. Participated in  3 days workshop on “Teaching Methodologies" by Centre for Computer Studies, Dibrugarh University held on March,2016
  4. Participated a workshop on “Patent Search“ organised by D.U. 23rd November,2015.
  5. A 7 says Workshop on "Self developmenet of Learning Material", organized by DODL, D.U.(2015).
  6. A 15 days workshop on " Advanced workshop on Microprocessor Application and Embedded System Design", Dept of Instrumentation and USIC, Gauhati University.(2011).
  7. NORTH-EAST ISI-DU Spring Scool on Algorithms for wireless networks held at D.U( February 8-10,2012).
  8. Participated in te Zonal rounds of RoboTryst-2012, a national level robotics championship at D.U, Organised by Robosapiens Technologies Pvt. Ltd. in association with E-CELL, IIT, Khragpur.(February, 15-16,2011).


  • Delivered a talk on “ Object Oriented Programming “  in an one day workshop on “Outcome based learning for Introduction to Computing” organized by IIT, Guwahati, in collaboration with  Google held on February, 2016

  • Delivered two lectures in a three days National workshop on  "Basics of Software Development "organized by Department of Statistics,Dibrugarh University under UGC SAP (DRS - II). March(29-31),2016.

  • Delivered a lecture in a three days National workshop on  "Network Security"organized by CCSA,Dibrugarh University 2016.
  • Delivered a talk on "Computer technology" organized by Kasturaba Gandhi Sewastram, Sibsagar.
  • Delevered a talk on " Cyber Crime and Gender Concern " organized by IOCL(AOD),Digboi, 8th March, 2020.
  • Delivered a talk on " 5G and Cognitive Radio", On National Technology Day, organized by MDKG College, Dibrugarh. 11May, 2023.
  • Broadcast a talk on " Satellite Communications", on National Science Day, All India Radio, Dibrugarh, 2014.
  • Broadcast a talk on " Importance of Technology in Education", on National Technolgy Day, All India Radio, Dibrugarh, 10.05.2023


1. Dibrugarh University :

      Membership of

  • Board of Studies(BoS) of centre for computer Science and Applications (Present ).
  • Board of Management(BoM) of centre for computer Science and Applications Present ).
  • Cordinator of Training and Placement cell of CCSA,DU.(2016)
  • Selection committee for selection of teacher of DU Model School.
  • 24th State level National Children Science Congress.
  • Presiding officer at DUPGSU Election.
  • Officer i/c of BCA old course Examination.(2014)
  • Zonal Officer of PGDCA programme.(2014)
  • Selection commIttee to select instructor on contract/regular basis of DUEIT,D.U.(2015)
  • Selection commIttee to select office assistant on contract/regular basis of DU.(2015)
  • Technical committee to examine all aspects of proposals(2014)
  • Dibrugarh University's Website designing and monitoring committee.(2013)
  • Dibrugarh University's IT Policy formation committee.(2014)
  • Committee for preparation of project proposal for Networking of D.U and it’s affiliating colleges for the promotion of E-Learning Governance.(2015)
  • Cordinator of Placement cell of CCSA,D.U
  • Common purchase committee.(2014-2017)
  • Committee to examine Self Appraisal reports of the Faculty members of School of Scince and Enginnerring, Dibrugarh University. [Convenor]
  • Selection committee  to select Asst. Prof. (on Contract).(2014)

2. Kaziranga University :

  • As Expert in integrated M.Sc. [IT] syllabus review committe.

3. Govt of Assam

  • Officer in Charge of Digital Security Cell in the Election.
  • Material Ditribution Officer in the election.
  • External Evaluator in GONOTSAV, 2021,2022,2023.


           In software design & Development.


  • Computer Society of India.
  • Assam Acedemy of Mathemetics.



  • Mr. Jibanta Borgohain, Senior Admin Manager, IOCL [AOD]. He delivered on “Time management for Students”, 2006 [July].
  • Dr. Deben Kr. Buragohain, DGM [HR], BCPL,Dibrugarh to deliver a talk on “Prospects of IT Students in Public Sectors “, 2010 [November].
  • Mr. Tridiv Hazarika, DGM[HR],OIL. He delivered a talk on " How to prepare for interview ",2013 [May].


Initiated to organize  Guest lecture Series under Industry - Academia program to strengthen the industry -academia relationship

  • Invited Dr. Hrishikesh Dewan, Siemens. He delivered on “Network Security & Cryptography”,2015 [October].
  • Invited Mr. Mukul Madhab Baishya, IBM India Ltd. He delivered on “ERP & SAP Application, HANA”,2015 [October].
  • Invited Mr. Jayanta Bora and Mr. Achuyt Krishna Hazarika, Zaloni Technologies India pvt Ltd. They delivered a talk on "Big data analysis",2016[March].
  • Invited  Mr. Philip Taskar & Mr. Lalit Yagnik, IBM, Australia, to deliver a talk on "Current trends in Computer Sc , world wide",2016 [May].
  • Invited Mr. Akash Pratim Barua, IOCL[AOD] to deliver a talk on "Network security",2016 [September].
  • Invited Professor Malay Dutta, IIIT, Guwahati to delivery a talk on "Algorithm and programming",2016[November].


  • One week computer awareness program for the Employees of SBI, D.U Branch. (2004)
  • One week computer awareness program for the Employees of Assam Medical College, Dibrugarh. (2005)
  • One week computer awareness program for the Employees of Dibrugarh University.(2005)
  • Organized a one month Computer Awareness winter camp for students of class VIII–X of nearby 5 Schools including Govt girls HS School, Rameswar High School, Borpathar Boys High School, Borpothar Girls School, Dibruharh Univ Model School. (2009 , December)
  • 3 months Computer Literacy Program for School and College students under the banner of “Associate Village Program”. (2014)
  • One day demonstration on Basics of Computer, Internet & it’s connecting devices to the students of Rameswar High School, Barbarua, (2015,April).
  • Computer training program for the employees of D.U., (2016).
  • Certificate Programme in Computer Skills, (2023)




International Journal

  • Borgohain, U., Borkotokey, S., & Deka, S. (2022). A Coalition Formation Game for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Network under the Constraint of Overhead. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 13(3). https://doi.org/10.17762/ijcnis.v13i3.5077 (Original work published December 25, 2021)

International Conference

  • Utpala Borgohain, Surajit Borkotokey, “Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based Throughput Improvement for Interweaved Cognitive Radio Network”  International Workshop on Game Theory and Networks, jointly organized  by the Department of Mathemetics, Dibrugarh University and Queen’s Management School, Belfast, U.K.  13-15 September, 2018.
  • Utpala Borgohain, “Coalitional Game Theory based Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for Throughput Maximization in CRNs” International Conference on Game Theory and Networks jointly organized by the Department of Mathemetics, Dibrugarh University and Queen’s Management School, Belfast,U.K. 6-7 September, 2019,
  • Utpala Borgohain, Surajit Borkotokey, “ A Constrained based Coalition Formation Game Model for Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based in CRNs” International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences , Department of Mathemetics, Dibrugarh University, 28-30 June, 2020.

Books and Book Chapters:

  • Edited “Fundaments of Computers”, Self Learning Material for PGDCA Programme, Publisher : DDE, Dibrugarh University
  • Contributed Chapters in “Data Communication and Computer Network”, Self Learning Material for BCA 5th Semester, Publisher : DDE, Dibrugarh University
  • Edited " Basic Information Technology", Self Learning Material, Publisher : DDE, Dibrugarh University


Courses Taken
Current Courses
Sponsored Projects