As per the directives of Ministry Youth & Sports, Govt. of India and Regional Directorate, NSS Guwahati, the NSS PG Unit, Dibrugarh University organized Fit India Campaign 2.0 during the month October 2022 at Dibrugarh University and its adjoining areas.
The volunteers engaged themselves in the Fit India Plog Run and collected 1 kg of plastics by each volunteers during the days. A total of approx 135 KG of Plastics were collected and handed to The Municipality van for its disposal. The Fit India Plog Run programme was inaugurated by Dr. Devid Kardong Programme Coordinator, NSS Cell, Dibrugarh University. The Second day programme was witnessed by Mr. Dipak Kumar, Regional Director, NSS Guwahati. Total 100 Volunteers participated in both the days. The whole programme was designed and led by Dr. Amar Upadhyaya, Programme Officer, NSS PG Unit and Miss Priyanka Madalwal and Koushik Baruah, the active NSS Volunteers of PG Unit, Dibrugarh University.